Ross Nicol
Through his discography Nicol has repeatably shown his ability to craft songs that are memorable. Layers of simple but poignant instrumentation lay the groundwork for Nicol’s gracious vocals to deliver his heartrending lyrics. From piano-led ballads like “New Streets” to the staccato, melodic earworm “Faults,” Nicol’s writing mediates on love and loss with a vulnerable introspection.
From the opening line of 'Faults,' Nicol laments over a love you want but isn't what you need, “I know my faults down to a fault, but I still love you.” A piano and an acoustic guitar that perfectly blend together line the instrumentation of the song as a stack of vocals sweeps you away. The drums kick in with a punchy chorus that brings the song’s groove to full fruition while the lyrics grapple with the disorienting feeling of not fully understanding what’s happening but not wanting to lose. When Nicol sings, “You need someone else / Someone who would dive in / Lend you their life,” the image of Leonard Cohen's “Famous Blue Raincoat” comes to mind as both men come to understand that the person they love needs something they aren’t able to give. Even with just one listen, 'Faults' is a song that will leave its mark on you.
- Sofia Soriano